the standard for millions of toll-free numbers
It takes a lot of smarts to make toll-free seem so simple. When consumers dial a toll-free number, they do not realize all the intricate steps that go into connecting the call. There are vanity number searches and registration, provisioning, Least Cost Routing, toll-free registry enrollment and back-end service provider activation. There are also innovations like toll-free texting and business continuity planning that make the job even more complicated.
groundbreaking features from the toll-free experts
one-stop shop for all your 1-800 needs
As the industry leader for the provisioning and management of toll-free numbers, TruReach Toll-Free 8MS allows you to ensure your customers’ toll-free numbers are optimized for high-performance and least cost routing. Best of all, we make it all work simply, seamlessly, and securely, so your job is easy, too.
the standard for millions of toll-free numbers
When you manage more than 75% of the toll-free numbers in North America, you have a responsibility to deliver for your customers. For 25 years, we have been the industry’s gold standard for toll-free provisioning and routing. Today, TruReach Toll-Free 8MS manages more than 32 million North American toll-free numbers and is the most trusted solution for toll-free automation.
Going forward, our drive for innovation will continue only to get stronger to create a better, more effective customer experience. We are also innovators in efficiency, with cost-saving solutions like Least-Cost Routing, which can save you up to 20% by finding the most efficient routing for your toll-free traffic and our comprehensive Business Continuity service that keeps your business phone numbers connected when the unexpected happens.

want to learn more?
Discover what makes Toll-Free 8MS the toll-free industry’s leading innovator and problem solver.
product features that unleash the full power of toll-free

least cost routing
Even the tiniest changes can significantly increase your bottom line. With our reliable Least Cost Routing (LCR), we help customers save, on average, up to 20% on routing costs.

carrier express
Take care of both ends of the provisioning process at once. Learn how we can save you time and money with automated activation and provisioning across multiple service providers.

business continuity
Imagine what would happen if your toll-free numbers lost connectivity for a week? If disaster strikes, we have you covered with full business continuity services.